This workshop created by the NSPCC provides parents and carers with information about how to support their child in their online world. It covers topics such as online bullying, mental health and social media, as well as signposting to resources and organisations for help and support. The workshop can be shown to groups of parents in school or community settings as well as being helpful for individual parents/carers. Signposting: You can find more tips at….
You can subscribe to the NSPCC newsletter at… For more information and advice, contact the NSPCC’s trained helpline practitioners, you can call the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000. Support for children and young people is available through Childline on 0800 1111 or at They can visit the Childline website for advice and information, share experiences and get peer support on the Childline message boards: Report Remove is a tool that allows young people under the age of 18 to report a sexual image or video of themselves that’s been shared online, to see if it’s possible to get it taken down.
The service is provided by Childline and the Internet Watch Foundation:… Contact Young Minds crisis messenger (Text YM to 85258) or visit the Young Minds website for advice about mental health: Reporting sites:
- Contact CEOP if you’re concerned about someone making inappropriate or sexual contact with a child online:
- Report sexual images and videos of children shared online to the Internet Watch Foundation
- Report anything online which causes someone distress or harm to Report Harmful Content:
- If you believe a child is immediate risk of harm then call 999 *Advice and statistics up to date as of Dec 2023