Complaints Procedure
The school has a Complaints Policy that can be accessed via the schools website. If parents would like to make a formal complaint they should follow procedures set out within the school’s Complaints Policy.
You can access our current complaints form here.
The following is a short overview of the complaints procedure:
Stage 1
Parent seeks to resolve the concern with the Class Teacher.
Yes – No further action.
No – Parent seeks to resolve the concern with the Head Teacher.
Yes – No further action.
No – Parent puts the complaint in writing to the Head Teacher.
Stage 2
Head Teacher investigates and responds to the parent.
Yes – No further action.
No – Parent writes to the Chair of Governors. Chair of Governors investigates and responds to the parent.
Yes – No further action.
No – move to stage 3
Stage 3
Parent may write to the Secretary of State for Education and Skills.