Today Rotherhithe Primary School hosted its annual Easter Bonnet Parade where each year group created some amazing Easter Bonnets that were then judged by our very own Art Ambassadors.
Judging Categories:
This year, our categories were “Most Durable”, “Most Vibrant”, and “Most Homemade”. Today we joined a member of our Art Ambassadors team who tells us what each category means and how they judged such a difficult competition.
“Most vibrant means the most colourful and the most vivid. Most homemade means the bonnets that were clearly made by everyday materials found around the home, and most durable means the strongest of the bonnets.
It was so so difficult to judge as their were so many amazing bonnets to choose from. We feel that whether you won or not, the bonnets were all amazing and it was a real pleasure to be involved in judging them today.”