“Make a noise” is this years theme for Anti-bullying week 2023. We must do something positive which helps to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.
All entries must reflect the “Make a noise” theme and manifesto. We welcome positive messages as well as work that reflects the challenges of bullying experiences and shared efforts to reduce bullying. Try and ensure your poster is positive and shows positive ways to stamp out bullying.
Entries must:
- Stand out with lots of colour
- Clearly list the pupils name and year group. Use A4 paper
- Include good grammar and punctuation
- Include picture and art
Closing date for entries is Thursday 16th November 2023. Please give your entries to your class teacher.
Judging and winners:
Your entries will be judged by Kealan. The winners will be announced on Friday 17th November and winning entries will win a certificate and a prize.