Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)
At Rotherhithe Primary School we strive to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone connected to the school. We are committed to meeting the needs of every pupil at the school. We have high expectations of all pupils whatever their needs and abilities and teach a creative, accessible and enriched curriculum that helps every child reach their potential.
Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are supported by dedicated, skilled and motivated teachers and support staff. We provide our staff with regular high-quality CPD so they feel equipped to meet the needs of the pupils they work with. We use a number of established systems to monitor SEND children’s progress. First, we assess the child’s needs, then plan targets for where we want the child to be, next we do key interventions and strategies and finally we regularly review the child’s progress.
When working collectively with pupils with their key stakeholders and/or external agencies we believe transparency is key. We hold regular meetings with parents/carers to update them on the progress of their child and which strategies have been used to be a success.
We continually review our provision in order to develop further strategies and opportunities to motivate all learners.